
Universal LightProbes are easily installed with one-hole fixing.  Optomistic Products provides several accessories to make the use and installation of Universal LightProbes fast and simple, including The Sensor Six-Pack, Sensor and Fiber-optic Probe clamps, and Universal LightProbe Connector Cables.

Sensor Six-Pack

The Universal LightProbe Sensor Six-Pack provides a compact and efficient way to install six Universal LightProbe Sensors in a single space-saving unit.  The convenient installation provides two standard circuit board header connectors, enabling the use of standard ribbon cable connections for the Universal LightProbe Sensors’ output.  A single power and a single ground wire is all that is needed to connect as many as six Sensors.  The Sensor Six-Pack will accommodate any combination of the pre-programmed Universal LightProbe Sensor models, which can then be paired with a wide variety of Fiber-optic Probes to customize for a specific test.  For example, the Penta Sensor can be combined with “Trident” Fiber-optic Probes to test 18 LEDs.

For more information, refer to the Universal Ligthtrobe Sensor Six Pack

Part Number: S6P

Universal LightProbe Connector Cables

Provides fool-proof sensor wiring with color-coded and labeled wires, corresponding to sensor pin labeling, with separate sheathing of individual sensor wires for easy identification at the ATE interface. These will save time and over-all assembly cost, and are long, durable and tested.

For more information see Universal LightProbe Connector Cable Data Sheet.

Part Number: ULP-CC

 Fiber-optic Probe Clamps 

– for all Fiber-optic Probe types

Individual clamps secure to the probe plate, allowing the height of the Fiber-optic Probe tips above the LEDs to be adjusted

Probe “Socket” Clamps 

– for Small-Aperture Fiber-optic Probes

A simple and cost-effective option for mounting Small-aperture Probes in the probe plate.  A Socket Clamp tool is needed for insertion and removal of the clamp in the probe plate

Part Number: LCP-S12

Extraction tool

Insertion tool

Sensor Clamps

Use a single clamp for the Sensor with a single #10-ANSI screw for one-hole fixing

For more information, please see the Application Note on Installation Accessories

Part Number: ULP-CP